Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hello Everybody!

Well, I feel the need to start blogging about beer, but more specifically, Big Red Bard Brewing! To introduce myself, I'm Jay, one of the people behind the beard and beer. I will take time to go over the name of Big Red Brewing and introduce who we are in future entries, but I want to establish goals for this blog so you can hold me to them. So here it is:

1. The first is to inform you, our dear readers, what is happening at Big Red Beard Brewing. We are still a dream, but it is slowly becoming reality. Recipes are coming together, business plans being created, and locations are always being scouted. You deserve to know where we are at to the day we open our doors to you and chat over a pint.

2. Beer. We at Big Red Beard Brewing are always thinking about beer. Like just now, I am writing about beer, what beer to have next, the origins of beer and a anecdote on beer within the last 3.68 seconds. It's been a slow day. So find our musings on just beer here.

3. You are think about beer too, that is why you are here. You have something to say and want to write, be it a poem about your favorite beer, story you had while beer, observations on beer culture, or even haiku, we will gladly post them. We love to share. Like drinking, it's never fun to be alone.

With this, we hope to update at least one a week. Again, Welcome to Big Red Beard Brewing Co.